Shifting my writing mindset to launch a meaningful coaching blog

We're doing it!
Over the course of my 30 years, I’ve written essays, poems, thank you notes, reports, research papers, memos, proposals, strategies, emails (lots of emails), ads, press releases, newsletters, blog posts, a thesis (67 pages!), to-do lists, website copy, social media posts, FAQS–you name it–all for others.
Throughout my life, I was told to write. And sure, I enjoyed parts of it. But most of my writing was driven by a grade, a job, impressing a particular audience, or earning a promotion.
A Lightbulb Moment for My Coaching Blog
I’ve thought about starting a blog for Power Forward, my life coaching practice, for some time now. After all, when I worked in marketing and communications, I created blogs for my clients because I knew the value they added. But this time, it’s a blog for my own business–a business focused on helping others find their way forward. And while this blog is for others, in a way, it’s also for myself.
That’s the irony: all my life, I’ve been writing to meet someone else’s expectations. But now, even though I’m still writing to help others, I feel like this time I’m also writing for myself.
I knew I wanted this blog to feel different. When I think back to the times I wrote just for myself, it was always through journaling. I can’t say I’ve been the most consistent, and I typically only turn to journaling when I’m feeling down, but writing my thoughts and feelings has been a powerful practice for me.
Maybe you’ve always loved writing–or maybe it’s something you’ve had to push yourself to do. For me, it’s a tool for working through challenges and reconnecting with myself. That’s when a lightbulb went off: if I write authentically about my experiences, the lessons I’ve learned, the science I find fascinating, and the tools I’ve gained, it can hopefully connect with others on a real level.
Practicing What I Preach
So here I am, trying to let go of self-judgment and worries about what others might think. I’m embracing this blog as both a coach and someone still learning and growing.
Thank you for being here to keep me accountable. Welcome to the Power Forward Blog, where we’ll explore growth, resilience, and all the self-discoveries that come along the way.
The best and most effective coaches are the ones who are always learning and practicing what they preach. Extra points for the ones who go outside their comfort zone and express vulnerability. Good for you! (and your clients)... and I will be following you as you Power Forward.
Sounds amazing!!